First CACP approval

A little bit of news, last month (on January 23rd, 2025), at the recommendation of the Office of Building Performance (OBP), St. Louis’s Building Energy Improvement Board (BEIB) approved the first Custom Alternative Compliance Plan (CACP), one we had done for 625 S. Skinker Condo Association. This is a custom application for buildings that cannot hit the Building Energy Performance Standard (BEPS) established by the 2020 ordinance. It includes an energy audit, a plan for improvements, and explanations of why the best plan forward for energy investments in the building do not allow it to hit the BEPS targets within the first cycle.

Congrats to 625 Skinker, the BEIB/OBP, and to ERG for passing this milestone!

At the end of the board meeting, the OBP mentioned that there are several other CACPs in the works, but to date, none are yet complete and ready for review.

Some of the 625 Board members also spoke very well of the process they went through with us and the OBP. I hope to share their comments soon.

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